PUBLIC HEARINGS - This portion of the meeting is for matters that legally require an opportunity for public input. Audience participation is encouraged and is limited to 5 minutes per speaker.
ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS - This agenda category is for City Council consideration of a wide variety of topics related to the city's operations. Public comments regarding items in this section should be presented during "Matters from the Audience."
18. December 20, 2011, City Council Meeting Minutes
19. September 27, 2011, Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
20. Treasurer’s Report for the City of Brea for Period Ended December 31, 2011 - Receive and File
21. December 23, 2011 and January 6 and 13, 2012, City Warrant Registers
22. Grant of Easement with Southern California Edison to permit installation and maintenance of voltage regulation equipment at Tamarack Park
23. Franchise agreement with Crimson California Pipeline, L.P. for construction, operation, and maintenance of petroleum pipelines in the City
24. Franchise agreement with Cardinal Pipeline, L.P. for construction, operation, and maintenance of petroleum pipelines in the City - Adopt Resolution of Intention to schedule public hearing for February 21, 2012, at 7 p.m. - No General Fund impact
25. Annual Maintenance Assessments for Landscape and Lighting Districts Nos. 1 through 7 - Prepare engineering reports detailing proposed improvements and budgets - Resolutions - No General Fund impact
PUBLIC HEARINGS - This portion of the meeting is for matters that legally require an opportunity for public input. Audience participation is encouraged and is limited to 5 minutes per speaker.
ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS - This agenda category is for City Council consideration of a wide variety of topics related to the city's operations. Public comments regarding items in this section should be presented during "Matters from the Audience."
18. December 20, 2011, City Council Meeting Minutes
19. September 27, 2011, Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
20. Treasurer’s Report for the City of Brea for Period Ended December 31, 2011 - Receive and File
21. December 23, 2011 and January 6 and 13, 2012, City Warrant Registers
22. Grant of Easement with Southern California Edison to permit installation and maintenance of voltage regulation equipment at Tamarack Park
23. Franchise agreement with Crimson California Pipeline, L.P. for construction, operation, and maintenance of petroleum pipelines in the City
24. Franchise agreement with Cardinal Pipeline, L.P. for construction, operation, and maintenance of petroleum pipelines in the City - Adopt Resolution of Intention to schedule public hearing for February 21, 2012, at 7 p.m. - No General Fund impact
25. Annual Maintenance Assessments for Landscape and Lighting Districts Nos. 1 through 7 - Prepare engineering reports detailing proposed improvements and budgets - Resolutions - No General Fund impact